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Bin Not Reporting / Calling In


The Master unit is your Bin-Sense Live system’s most critical component and serves as the core. It communicates to remotes and transmits data (e.g. temperature / moisture readings) to the Bin-Sense servers via cellular connection.

If none of your bins are reporting, it is likely that the Master unit is experiencing issues.


  1. Login to your Bin-Sense account and check the last voltage reported by the Master unit
    1. If below 6V, it is highly likely that the battery is dead and will either need to be replaced or recharged
    2. Contact your Dealer to order a new battery
    3. Bin-Sense Master units use a 6V/20A lead acid battery
    4. If battery voltage looks good, continue with troubleshooting below
  2. Confirm the external battery is securely connected, and if necessary, try reseating the connection by disconnecting & reconnecting it
  3. Check the external antenna for any damage, and confirm that the antenna is securely connected
  4. Open the device and check for any internal issues such as disconnecting wiring or water/moisture ingress
    1. If any moisture ingress is found, it is advised to fully dry the device out before reinstalling
  5. If the issue appears to be cable-related for just this bin, please read the ‘Cables Are Missing’ article to rule out any potential cable issues as a cause for the bin to not be reporting data properly

If the above steps are completed and you still do not see any new data from the bins after many hours, it is strongly advised to contact your Bin-Sense Dealer to have a service technician visit your site and investigate the units further.



  1. Login to your Bin-Sense account and check the last voltage reported by the Remote unit
    1. If below 4.2V, it is highly likely that the batteries are dead and will either need to be replaced or recharged
    2. Remote units require 3 x Lithium batteries (non-rechargeable)
  2. Confirm that healthy batteries are used, inserted properly and in the correct alignment
  3. After inserting batteries, ensure that scan commands have been sent by using the ‘Find My Remotes’ button in either the Bin-Sense website or mobile app.
    1. See the ‘Remote Not Calling in After Replacing Batteries’ article for further details on how to send scans
  4. After replacing batteries, try pressing the LED diagnostics button inside the unit (the small black button on the board located at the top left) to confirm that the LED lights are flashing and that the mainboard is functional
  5. Check the external antenna for any damage, and confirm that the antenna is securely connected
  6. Open the device and check for any internal issues such as disconnecting wiring or water/moisture ingress
    1. If any moisture ingress is found, it is advised to fully dry the device out, replace batteries and send scans before reinstalling on top of the bin again
  7. If the issue appears to be cable-related for just this bin, please read the ‘Cables Are Missing’ article to rule out any potential cable issues as a cause for the bin to not be reporting data properly

If the above steps are completed and you still do not see any new data from the bins after many hours, it is strongly advised to contact your Bin-Sense Dealer to have a service technician visit your site and investigate the units further.

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